FACE: “THE MOTHERFUCKER FREAK KING MILF HUNTER COUGAR CONQUEROR DEVIL OF THIS PLACE THE FERAL” FACE! Most known for his aggressive nature and for praying on MILFs, Cougars, Tortas, and Lot Lizards. You can catch Face on many notable promotions such as Wrestling Is Now, Super Powers of Wrestling, Titan Championship Wrestling and many others. Two things are for certain when it comes to Face and that is when you’re in the ring with Face it’s a HIT and YOU WON’T HAVE TO REMEMBER THE NAME BUT YOU WILL REMEMBER THE FACE!!!!

JJ DOZE: Known to many as “The Lost Child” but within the FREAK KINGS he’s known as “Little Freaky” half-brother of Face. JJ Doze and Face were separated as children both creating their own path to reuniting back into the squared circle. While separated Doze struggled with self-doubt and insecurity while being his own harshest critic. To battle all the adversity Doze adopted his signature mask and embarked in a new mission of purpose……. TO FIND THE LIGHT!

MICAH & SETH CORTEZ: These brothers are better known as “The Audacity”. Both Brothers known for their trademark Masks. Seth Cortez is the powerhouse with freakish strength, while Micah Cortez balances out the team with quick acrobatics and agility mixed with a “punch you in the mouth if you look at me the wrong way” attitude. Making their name in tag team wrestling, “The Audacity” have conquered tag team gold in many promotions such as Wrestling Is Now, New York Wrestling Connection, Titan Championship Wrestling, Remarkable Wrestling, and the list goes on and on. Any tag team, any place, any promotions when you step to “The Audacity” ITS ON SITE!!!

Person with intense facial expression, holding a rope, wearing a black armband.
Man in a black hood holding a futuristic helmet with purple lights
Masked wrestlers holding championship belts, posing against a dark background.
Illustration of a demonic mask with horns and intricate details, text 'Freak Kings' above.